Training Opportunities
Training is a key component of the ND HOPES Initiative. Whether it’s training we provide directly or whether it’s connecting you to our partners’ training programs, we are committed to building knowledge and skills among professionals and community members to help prevent suicide in Western North Dakota.
Below is a list of evidence-based trainings that we and/or our partners provide:
Contact us at info@ndhopes.com for additional information, for guidance on what training is most appropriate for you or your organization, or to begin scheduling a training.
Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR): A 60–90-minute training that teaches community members and non-clinical professionals to identify the warning signs of suicide, empathically listen to those at risk, provide encouragement for seeking help, and connect individuals at risk to care.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST): A two-day workshop that teaches clinical and non-clinical trainees to recognize warning signs of suicide, provide a skilled intervention, develop an individualized safety plan, and connect individuals at risk to further support.
Suicide Risk Screening and Assessment Training: A 30-minute training that teaches clinical professionals to assess suicide risk using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) and the Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage for Clinicians (SAFE-T).
Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) Training: A 60-minute training that teaches clinical professionals to introduce and develop a 7-step Stanley Brown safety plan with clients at risk for suicide. The training also demonstrates how an individual would implement their safety plan during a crisis and briefly presents a fidelity tool that can be used to assess the quality and completeness of safety plans.
SPI + Structured Follow Up (SFU) Training: A 75-minute training that teaches clinical professionals the steps of structured phone follow up – including mood checks, safety plan revision, and addressing barriers to treatment – in addition to the Safety Planning Intervention Training described above.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment-Suicide Care (SBIRT-SC) Training: A 3.5-hour training that integrates the elements of suicide care – screening, assessment, safety planning, and structured follow up – into the evidence-based SBIRT model for substance use prevention and early intervention. Because substance use and mental health conditions often co-occur, developing the clinical skills to jointly address substance use and suicide will help you deliver care that is both efficient and effective. This training is customized to meet your needs; additional interactivity and role play will increase the length incrementally from 3.5 hours to up to 1.5 days.
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training: A 2-3-hour training that teaches clinical professionals how to work with clients and their families to reduce access to the methods people use to die by suicide.
Sources of Strength: A school suicide prevention program that leverages peer social networks to create a healthy school environment that promotes help-seeking, resiliency, and belonging. Sources of Strength requires training for peer leaders and adult advisors; peer leader training is 4-6 hours, and adult advisor training is 3-6 hours.
Coming Soon!
ND HOPES is partnering with the SAMHSA-funded ND THRIVES project and local partners to develop a comprehensive, evidenced-based substance use and suicide prevention training package for school buildings and districts. The package will include three distinct components:
A half-day interactive workshop for school leadership teams to develop building and district-wide policies, procedures, and implementation plans for substance use and suicide prevention
a 60-90 minute gatekeeper training for teachers and non-clinical school staff on identifying warning signs of substance use and suicide and following building and district protocol to connect those at risk to additional care, as needed
a 3-4 hour training for school behavioral health professionals on the clinical elements of substance use and suicide risk screening, intervention, and referral. The training includes instruction on the C-SSRS and CRAFFT 2.1+N screening tools, the Safety Planning Intervention for suicide risk, the Brief Negotiated Interview for substance use risk, and several methods of referral, follow-up, and monitoring.
School buildings and districts can participate in all components of the school package or pick and choose components based on their needs. The school package will be available for the 2024-25 school year. Contact us at info@ndhopes.com for more information.