Lethal Means Safety
How to keep yourself and your loved ones safe
While some people think about suicide for weeks, months, or even years before acting on their thoughts, many people attempt suicide shortly after experiencing a crisis. Because of this, it is important to reduce access to anything in a person’s environment that they could use to hurt themselves.
There are different methods that people use to attempt suicide, but in North Dakota, firearms are the most common way people die by suicide.
Requesting Firearm Secure Storage and Safety Devices
If you're interested in obtaining firearm secure storage and safety devices, ND HOPES is here to help. Through this brief form, we aim to better understand the specific needs of North Dakota individuals and organizations seeking these devices and to track the distribution of available materials. We are able to offer cable locks, biometric trigger locks, and biometric cabinet locks, depending on current stock and project funding. While we strive to fulfill all requests, the availability of these items cannot be guaranteed. Please take a moment to complete the form with as much detail as possible. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at info@ndhopes.com.
Already Received Your Gun Lock Materials?
If you’ve already received your firearm secure storage materials, we’ve provided guidance to help you set up and use your locks. For Biometric Trigger Locks, we’ve provided additional video guidance to ensure proper programming and verification. Click below to access these resources and start using your gun locks securely.
We’d love to hear how your locks are working out! ​
After setting up your devices, feel free to reach out to us at info@ndhopes.com to share your experience, ask any questions, or provide feedback.
Did You Know?

In North Dakota, nearly 3 in 5 suicides are by firearm.
84% of firearm deaths are suicides.
Firearms are very lethal.
90% of suicide attempts by firearm end in death.
Leaving firearms unlocked and loaded increases risk of suicide.
Here are some tips for approaching conversations about firearm safety:
Be direct, empathetic, and respectful.
Emphasize your desire to keep the person safe.
Directly ask about firearms and any intent to buy firearms.
Explain how easy access to lethal means increases suicide risk.
Discuss available options for safe storage of lethal means.
Emphasize that these actions are temporary.
Explore barriers to safer storage options.
Consider the following steps to improve firearm safety:
Store firearms unloaded, locked, and secured.
Consider a cable or trigger lock, or a gun safe.
Store the key to the gun lock and ammunition separately from the firearm.
Temporarily store firearms away from the home during times of high stress.
Enlist the help of a trusted friend, family member, or colleague to remove firearms.
Other ways to stay safe:
Prescription medication and pills
These can be given to a parent, caregiver, or trusted person to lock up safely or brought to a pharmacy or police department for disposal.
Remove these from the home during periods of increased risk.
Sharp objects (razors, knives, scissors, etc.)
Remove from the daily environment; ask for help from family members to supervise use of any of these sharp objects.
AFSP. (n.d.). An introduction to firearms and suicide prevention.
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. (2021). North Dakota.
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. (2020). Lethal means safety counseling.
Everytown for Gun Safety. (2019). Gun violence in North Dakota.
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. (2020). Lethal means.
Produced by the North Dakota Suicide Prevention Coalition, this flyer provides clickable links to safety planning, lethal means safety, and other crisis resources. Safety plans provide a personalized list of coping strategies, sources of support, and crisis resources to keep individuals safe and prevent them from acting on their suicidal thoughts.